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叶面喷施硝酸钙提高无土栽培玫瑰产量、品质和瓶插寿命(英文)_Saeed Khosravi.pdf

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叶面喷施硝酸钙提高无土栽培玫瑰产量、品质和瓶插寿命(英文)_Saeed Khosravi.pdf

叶面喷施硝酸钙提高无土栽培玫瑰产量 品质和瓶插寿命 Saeed Khosravi1 Ali Tehranifar1 Yahya Selahvarzi1 Amir Hossein Khoshgoftarmanesh2 Leyla Cheheltanan1 1 马什哈德菲尔多西大学园艺与园林设计系 马什哈德 9177948974 伊朗 2 伊斯法罕理工大学土壤系 伊斯法罕 84156 伊朗 摘要 目的 玫瑰 Rosa hybrida L 是全球范围内广泛栽培的观赏花卉 花朵品质具有重要的商业价值 本研 究旨在探讨无土栽培系统中 叶面喷施硝酸钙对两个玫瑰品种 Samurai和Jumilia 品质和瓶插寿命的影响 方法 试验采用无土栽培方法 花盆中装满100 珍珠岩 3 5 mm 以钙含量减少50 的霍格兰营养液进 行浇灌 供试玫瑰品种为Samurai和Jumilia 培养4个月 其中1个月用于植株驯化 3个月用于喷施处理 在培养第一个月后 喷施160 mg kg的硝酸钙溶液 以不喷施硝酸钙为对照 每个处理分别进行了3次采收 每次采收后立即调查植株和花朵生长指标以及花朵瓶插寿命 结果 叶面喷施钙对玫瑰植株株高 花梗直 径 花冠大小 花朵特性和瓶插寿命产生了积极影响 而且这种影响随采收次数的增加而增加 与Samurai玫 瑰相比 除瓶插寿命外 Jumilia玫瑰各调查性状的数值均普遍较低 在3个采收阶段中 钙叶面喷施处理弥补 了Samurai和Jumilia玫瑰各性状的差异 特别是提升第3个采收阶段Jumilia玫瑰花性状的效果更为突出 与 对照处理相比 钙肥显著提高了玫瑰叶片的光合速率和蒸腾速率 结论 叶面喷施硝酸钙是促进玫瑰花生 长 提升鲜切花产量 品质和瓶插寿命的有效措施 关键词 钙肥 叶面喷施 瓶插寿命 玫瑰 无土栽培 The impact of foliar application of calcium nitrate fertilizer on the yield quality and post harvest life of two varieties of roses Rosa hybrida L in a soilless cultivation system Saeed Khosravi1 Ali Tehranifar1 Yahya Selahvarzi1 Amir Hossein Khoshgoftarmanesh2 Leyla Cheheltanan1 1 Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Mashhad 9177948974 Iran 2 Department of Soil Science Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 Iran Abstract Objectives Rose Rosa hybrida L is a beautiful and widely cultivated flowering plant around the world whose quality is of great commercial importance The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of foliar application of calcium nitrate on the quality and postharvest life of two rose varieties cvs Samurai and Jumilia in a soilless culture system Methods The research used a hydroponic culture method the roses plants were grown in Hoagland nutrient solution containing 50 less Ca for a total span of 4 months One month was dedicated to plant acclimatization and 3 months for spray treatment Two rose varieties Rosa hybrida L cvs Samurai and Jumilia plants were used as test materials and planted in pots containing 100 perlite 3 5 mm After one month of culture 160 mg kg CaNO3 solution was sprayed and each treatment corresponded to the first second and third harvests respectively The plant and flower growth indicators and flower vase life were investigated after each harvesting immediately Results A positive impact of foliar applied Ca on stem characteristics pedicel dimensions corolla size flower attributes and vase life was found Furthermore a general trend was observed wherein an increase in the number of harvesting stages led to improved traits Notably 植物营养与肥料学报 2024 30 12 2392 2402 doi 10 11674 zwyf 2023541 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers http www plantnutrifert org Received date 2024 05 04 Accepted date 2024 11 15 Contact Saeed Khosravi E mail Saeedkhosravi0938 Corresponding author Ali Tehranifar E mail Tehranifar um ac ir


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