<p>Id tilV tbl dFl Pdti (IVFP)Indus r a ege able and Flower Production (IVFP) 工厂化蔬菜和花卉生产By Eelco Wolthuizen王义可/ WangLinhu王林虎Content内容 Metazet soilless growing and internal gglogistic systems温室无土种植和内部物流系统温室无土种植和内部物流系统 Erfgoed Floor荷兰潮汐式灌溉地面系统荷兰潮汐式灌溉地面系统 Viscon Hydroponics水培系统 Viscon Fresh produce packaging systemgg全自动包装系统Targets for Industrial Food Production工厂化蔬菜生产的目标 Food safe安全食品 High quality/high profit高品质/高效益 High yield高产量Less labo intensi e节省人工 r intensiv Less use of resources (water, electricity and fertilizer)节省能源(水,电肥料等)Metazet soilless growing systems温室无土种植系统温室无土种植系统Metazet systems迈特莱特物流系统 Mlift: Hydrolic platform cart升降车系统 Micathon spraying technology喷雾系统 Metazet Harvest and transport systems采收物流系统Metazet internal transport 迈特莱特内部物流系统Growing gutters种植槽系统Vertical farming systems 垂直种植系统Video 垂直种植系统视频Erfgoed Floor荷兰潮汐式灌溉地面系统 90% improvement of quality and of qualit uniformity质量和统一美观性提高90% 90% reduction of diseases and bad plants reduction of diseases and 疾病和坏苗减少90% 40% savings on water and fertilizers水肥 on water ertilizers水肥节省40%</p>