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<p>»34 »6 ù j S/vÐÐ(1 SÐñ) Vol. 34 No. 62006 M6Jour. of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. and For. ( Nat. Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 2006°Ñ iC( ìÄrµ ¥Zùî 李建明,王忠红,邹志荣( j S/vÐóÐý, û 1712100)K 1 ¨ ÃC(“ªÊ* à”¹ ,ùî l ¦Ì+ d、l ¦Ì+¥ª µþÐ ìÄr81 ¥ZC(±é 3É+、 3â ùô“ ï= s Íc ,#Á T L ÖÉ¥Y。²TV ü, FÄÐg Hq/, d ¥Z¥C(Á ¥Z¥Ú5. 43% 12. 46% , È? g ¡(CK)Ú3. 08% 7. 77% ; ¥ZÏT2) Ø CKÚ2. 22% , T1, T3, T4) Ø CK®0. 79% 8. 34%。 îµ) Ø¥ V ·%þÐCKµsA÷,T3&gt; T7&gt; T1&gt; T8&gt; CK,sY CKÚ4. 51% , 3. 95% , 3. 60% ,1. 97% , ð) Ø (l¿CK。 T8) Ø¥Vcc CKÚ1. 45% , ð) Ø (®¿CK。 d ¥Zϵþc ÐC(Á ïA÷LM11“。8s ª¹, dÐ ìÄr811 1 ¥Z( T8) Ø)C( 3ɪ ùô“ ï、= s Íc ±é ÿ©·S üAª¿ ð) ØCK,Á r30. 11 t /hm2, &nbsp;ØX¥ ìÄrÐµÉ ¥Z;Ð ìÄr810. 5 1 ¥Z( T2) Ø)C( 3É?â - ù Îr、 Îr、 ÎrKc &nbsp;aR,Á Ú, ÖÉ z, µBç¥w 0. 02 mm¥c ì ¹61% , 0. 23 g /kg, 0. 62 g /kg, K2. 56 g /kg, Îr5. 5 mg /kg,Îr13. 89 mg /kg, ÎrK44. 73 mg /kg,µÉ4. 5 g /kg。C( ÖÕʨ* ¨ ÃC(“ªÊ* à” ,® là ° ù &nbsp;2006-01-09Á “ SE“ 863”9à “ V eÌâí v 1«ªÉÚr 3Á/ ” ( 2001AA247012)Teº &nbsp;Ùy ü( 1966- ), 3, û + ¦,¬ q,p V, « V 3 =,ö1V Y ! óùî。DOI: 10.13207 /j.cnki . jnwafu.2006.06.0141 $ ô j 400 mg /kg; T5) ØCK¥ Îrc ¹0100 mg /kg, T1、 T2T6) Ø¥¹100 200mg /kg, T3、 T7T8) Ø¥¹200 300 mg /kg, T4) Ø&gt; 400 mg /kg; T5、 T6) ØCK¥ ÎrKc ¹0 1 000 mg /kg, T1、 T7T8) Ø¥¹1 0002 000 mg /kg, T2) Ø¥¹2 000 3 000 mg /kg, T3) Ø¥¹3 000 4 000 mg /kg, T4) Ø&gt; 5 000mg /kg。GC( 3þÐ ,81 ª V©, T3、 T4)Ø¥ Îr、 Îr、 ÎrK,&amp;shy; ÎrKc VÚ, T5、 T6) Ø¥ Îrc þ®, ( æ¿C(¼ì 3É T8) Ø ?¹C( 3É?â4 &nbsp;aR¥ô=Ìâ É!, z¥) Ø, Q¹T7、 T1T2) Ø。2. 2 É ¥ZC( ÿ·S¥Y®V2 Vn, % ¢ ù, T5、 T7) Ø¥éÚ、ÔY= Ë (Ú¿CK, ÏT5) Ø¥ÔYÐCKµsA÷, T7) ØÐCKµsA÷ T6) Ø¥éÚ、ÔYÚ¿CK, (íA÷µs,= Ë ÐCKM;T1、 T2、 T3、 T4、 T8) Ø¥éÚ、ÔY= Ë (®¿CK, ÏT1、 T2、 T3) Ø¥éÚÐCKµsA÷, T4) ØÐCKµsA÷, T1、 T2、 T3、 T4、 T8) Ø¥=Ë ÐCKµsA÷。 7½UT ù, T5) Ø¥éÚA÷Ú¿CK, T7) Ø¥éÚA÷Ú¿CK, T6、T8) Ø¥éÚÚ¿CK,µsA÷, T4) Ø¥éÚA÷®¿CK, T1、 T2、 T3) Ø¥éÚ®¿CK,µsA÷ îµ) Ø¥ÔY (Ú¿CK, ÏT5、 T6、T7、 T8) ØÐCKµsA÷ T1、 T2、 T5、 T6、 T7) Ø¥= Ë (v¿CK,µsA÷。T L ³v ù,îµ) Ø¥éÚ、ÔYÐCKíA÷µs,T4、T5、 T6、 T8) Ø¥éÚ (v¿CK; T3、 T5、 T6、 T7、 T8) Ø¥ÔY (v¿CK, T8) Ø¥éÚ、ÔY (Kv,V üC( 3É?⪠ù¾) Ø¥! 3É ð) Ø« 9, ?¹T L?â4 ¥Áþ É!,µr¸±é* , æ¿ õò(。V2 ) Ø 3â ùC(éÚ、ÔY、= Ë ¥YTable 2 &nbsp;Effect of different treatments on plant height,stem diameter and leaf number during different growth stages) ØTreat-ments% ¢ ùStraw period7½UT ùFlor-fruit periodT L ³v ùFruitageéÚ/cmPlantlengthÔY/mmStemdiameter= Ë VaneséÚ/cmPlantlengthÔY/mmStemdiameter= Ë VaneséÚ/cmPlantlengthÔY/mmStemdiameterT1 14. 60 cBC 5. 52 abcAB 7. 30 b 70. 49 deBC 8. 06 ab 16. 48 ab 144. 76 a 8. 41 aT2 14. 73 cBC 5. 24 abcAB 7. 70 b 69. 47 deBC 7. 92 ab 16. 47 ab 148. 92 a 8. 69 aT3 15. 15 cBC 5. 38 abcAB 7. 80 b 72. 85 deBC 8. 29 ab 16. 00 abc 136. 70 a 9. 05 aT4 12. 75 cC 5. 17 abcAB 7. 20 b 58. 20 eC 7. 74 ab 14. 90 bc 150. 31 a 8. 54 aT5 20. 03 aA 6. 89 aA 9. 10 ab 97. 80 aA 8. 84 a 18. 47 ab 154. 13 a 9. 47 aT6 20. 07 aA 6. 11 abAB 8. 50 ab 89. 00 abcAB 8. 48 a 17. 80 ab 153. 58 a 9. 19 aT7 18. 33 aAB 5. 99 abcAB 8. 60 ab 90. 20 abAB 8. 65 a 16. 53 ab 144. 95 a 9. 27 aT8 15. 45 bcBC 5. 94 abcAB 7. 80 b 80. 70 bcdAB 8. 52 a 16. 07 abc 159. 14 a 9. 60 aCK 17. 93 abAB 5. 97 bcAB 8. 50 a 74. 33 cdBC 7. 59 b 16. 20 abc 149. 21 a 8. 86 aÿ:l3 V UPT7&gt; T4&gt; T3&gt; CK, ÏT8) Ø CKÚ24. 13% ,71»6 ù Ùy ü©: °Ñ iC( ìÄrµ ¥ZùîT7) Ø CKÚ14. 36%。V üñ 3â ù =T8) Ø¥ô“ ï 6¥ v¿ ð) Ø,ô“ ïT7&gt; CK。BçiS¶ =,;T¨ &nbsp;T7&gt;T6&gt; T5&gt; T2&gt; CK&gt; T1&gt; T4&gt; T3, T8) Ø¥Á A÷Ú¿T3) Ø,=sY CK¥107. 77%91. 66%。 d ¥Z¥Á ¥ZÚ5. 43%12. 46% , CKÚ3. 08% 7. 77% , ¥Z¥T2) Ø CKÚ2. 22% , T1、 T3、 T4) Ø CK®0. 79% 8. 34%。V ü d ÷ aC(¥ 3É?â。 d ¥ZÏ, dc (y)ÐC(Á (x)ïA÷LM11“,íBZñ¹y= 0. 434x+28. 32(R= 0. 994 6* * ,n= 4), Û“ dc ¥9F,Á µÉB4Ú¥ . ï,KD¥ dÐ ìÄr ¥ZÉB &#39; Æùî。2. 6 É ¥ZC( ÖÉ¥YV ·%þVc îC( ÖÉ¥ö1yÍ。®V4 Vn, îµ) Ø¥ V ·%þc ÐCKµsA÷,T3&gt; T7&gt; T1&gt; T8&gt; CK,sY CKÚ4. 51% , 3. 95% , 3. 60% , 1. 97% , ð) Ø (l¿CK, ª ü¥Õ Ë#¨ V ·%þYv。²(ª ùæѵ15 20,T L ³v ùÑ15 18 4ÚC( V ·%þc ¥ö1y Í9 ,&#39; k¾ H ù Ù æѵ ?rB1 p,ÑûÃ15 d20 , PW« hF , V ·%þ Æ®。V4 ) ØC(Á ÖÉ¥YTable 4 &nbsp;Effect of different treatments onmuskmelon yield and fruit quality) ØT reatmentsÁ /( t· hm- 2)YieldVc/( mg· kg- 1)V ·%þ/( g· kg- 1)SolublematterT1 27. 72 ab 368. 1 abc AB 146. 9 aT2 28. 56 ab 366. 5 abc AB 136. 4 aT3 25. 61 b 362. 1 abc AB 148. 2 aT4 27. 12 ab 352. 2 cB 137. 0 aT5 28. 80 ab 359. 0 bc AB 138. 9 aT6 29. 15 ab 368. 1 abc AB 139. 9 aT7 29. 56 ab 364. 9 abc AB 147. 4 aT8 30. 11 a 378. 2 aA 144. 6 aCK 27. 94 ab 372. 8 ab AB 141. 8 a®V4 Vn, T8) Ø¥Vcc CKÚ1. 45% , ð) Ø (®¿CK, ÏCKÐT4) Ø、T8) ØÐT5) صA÷µs, T8) ØÐT4) صA÷µs。ÐT8) ØÁ KÚ,C(?âªùô“ ï &nbsp;T7&gt; T1&gt; T8&gt; CK,sY CKÚ4. 51% , 3. 95% , 3. 60% , 1. 97% , ð)Ø (l¿CK; T8) Ø¥Vcc CKÚ1. 45% , ð) Ø (®¿CK。 dc ÐC(Á ïA÷LM11“, dÐ ìÄr8111¥ ¥Z( T8) Ø),C( 3â ù =¥ ÿ+、ô“ï= s Íc ©·S8VCKz,&amp;shy; T L³v ù, üAª¿ ð) Ø, ª ü¾ ¥ZT L?⥠H ? P±é ûA1¥! 3É,ªÄ±é 3² 3É! 3ÉW¥ Ü,¹T L?â4 ¥!s,C( ÖÉKª,Á KÚ,Ð ìSï©13¨Fýª¥ìTg、f èASg ¡C(¥ùî²TMBÁ, V 3ÁÏw T7 &gt; T1 &gt; T8 &gt; CK, and they were4. 51% , 3. 95% , 3. 60% , 1. 97% higher than the contrast, while the others were lower than it. Vitamin Ccontent of the T8 treatment was 1. 45% higher than the contrast, and that of the others were lower. The or-ganic content in the cattle manure prescriptions was remarkably correlated linearly with muskmelon yield.To raise both quality and yield of muskmelon, the T8 treatment with cattle manure mixture and sandy soilratio of 11 is better than the other ones, due to higher root activity, chlorophyll content and better mor-phologicalindexes during the last stage. It is an optimal sandy soil organic prescription, with the yield up to30. 11 t/hm2 , and the T2 treatment with sheep manure mixture and sandy soil ratio of 0. 51 can providesuitable content of available N, P and K in the substrate,hence high yield and quality, proving its value ofextension.Keywords: solar greenhouse; muskmelon; humus organic material; sandy soil; organic prescription(上接第 68页 )Abstract ID: 1671-9387(2006) 06-0063-EAA survey of Scarabaeoidea fauna in the Bailong Riverforest Region, Gansu ProvinceCAOXiu-wen(Instituteof Forestry Sciences,theBailongRiverForestry Management Bureauof GansuProvince,Wudu,Gansu 746010,China)Abstract: Survey and inventory of Scarabaeoidea fauna in the Bailong River Forest Region of GansuProvince are important for zonation of insect fauna in this region. More than 1 000 Scarabaeoidea specimenswere collected from different elevations and forest types of this region. After sorting and identification,these Scarabaeoidea beetles were found to belong to 157 species, 59 genera, 9 families. Based on the statis-tics of the faunal compositions, the Lucanidae consisted of 60. 0% Oriental species, and 40. 0% Palaearcticand Oriental common species; the Scarabaeidae consisted of 41. 67% Palaearctic species, 33. 33% Orientalspecies, and 25. 0% Palaearctic and Oriental common species; the Cetoniidae consisted of 16. 67% Palaearc-tic species, 37. 5% Oriental species, and 45. 83% Palaearctic and Oriental common species; the Rutelidaeconsisted of 22. 22% Palaearctic species, 38. 89% Oriental species, and also 38. 89% Palaearctic and Orien-tal common species; the Melolonthidae consisted of 26. 32% Palaearctic species, 8. 77% Oriental species,and 64. 91% Palaearctic and Oriental common species. The synthetic analysis of the faunal compositions atthe genus and family levelindicated that the Scarabaeoidea fauna of this region had the following character-istics: the Oriental composition was abundant, the Palaearctic composition was less abundant, and thePalaearctic and Oriental common composition was most abundant.Keywords: insect fauna; Scarabaeoidea; Bailong River Forest Region74 j S/vÐÐ(1 SÐñ)»34 </p>


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