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<p>»18 »2 ùÄl¹ u j8“,Ð ¹Tþ ¡M1 , ¹ÊB8¥1“xص“ÿ+¥&gt;+Ä。 £sr 、±þ#Ìâ b £s¥Y÷°¤,ír-ö/î £s ¶n,7 Oö Ñ i b A9v,h121»2 ù Ùy ü©: v« £9÷S¥ùîC#iÙ5v ? 3。 6BZ ëÑ i v ¡Bî¸ Ñ ®,Ñ ¡¥KÅy Í&amp;shy;B,®Ñ ùv 9 £ªª ¹Ñ/7 Ê®,7 O®¿®Ñ ù £ ÷ ÆKÅ, PÑ i =、¹ÑÉ ù¤ë¯7YTþ¥ 3É?â。 îùîÑ i v« £9ÃÇÇ «£¥ “¥, H9 £sªÄ5 Øùî。Cµ¥ v9 £ H ù¥ùî³ % I ¹ H©9 £¥Ù5,99 ¥Ù5γ1ÉB¥ùî。y¹Xµ¥ùî s9Ã¥ £ jç¥ö1y Í。21 W,áS vÕ±&lt;|T¹Bñ j&lt;Ï¥ 55&lt;®.d j&lt;VC j&lt;,á Î 7Z v©« £9÷S¥ùîA¥÷¹Å çA1。 IÓD:1 &nbsp;S ¹¹ v ¡Ð )Äö1 R.ÏSóÐö, : 1996. 12.2 fÐ,¦. jB9 £ç-¥ ç J. £&#39;÷Ð £ æýñ, 1994, ( 4): 8- 24.3 &nbsp;S j&lt;/ w&lt;9_. v« £9Ã/ M .Ø:ÏS j&lt;ñ, 1992. 1- 20.4 &nbsp;d¤B. v £s 3 ØÐ9÷S¥ùîÉZ J.É v, 1989, ( 2): 1- 4.5 V an der Veken L. Optimization of the water application in greenhouse tomatoes by introducing a tensionmeter-controlled drip-irrigation system J. Scientia Horticulture, 1982, 18: 9- 23.6 &nbsp;Smajstrla A G, Locascio S T. Tensiometer-controlled, drip-irrigation scheduling of tomato J. 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