<p>V³¹ ùîCÐÉZ Ó5?(西南科技大学材料学院,四川绵阳 621010)K1:介绍了国内可降解农用地膜材料的研究开发现状,指出了目前可降解地膜发展中存在的问题,并对可完全降解地膜的发展趋势进行了讨论。结论认为:由于技术、成本、认识等方面的限制,可降解地膜的仍处于试验和推广应用阶段;但是可降解地膜无疑是解决“白色污染”较有效的途径,具有广阔的市场前景。1oM:降解地膜;光降解;生物降解;存在问题;发展趋势Ïms Ë|:TQ325 ÓDS M :A ÓcI|:1001-9456(2004)01-0076-06Study Status on Degradable Mulching FilmLI Xian-fa(Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang,Sichuan 621010,China)Abstract:The development status of degradable mulching film is introduced.The development prob-lems of degradable mulching film are pointed out , and its development trends are analyzed.The conclusionshows that degradable mulching film is still at experimental and extending stage due to the limitations oftechnology, ligh cost and general recognizations.In any case,the use of degradable mulching film is a goodway to solve the problem of ”white pollution” and promises a wide market foreground.Key words:degradable mulching film;photo-degradation;bio-degradation;existing problems;develop-ment tendency1 ?Z V ³¹ ¥il®¿ j¨¹ ?µr eÅr Ñ A,h £s!þ >,¸¤ 3É,¹Tþ 3É7/µæ¥ 3 ÿÌâ, W¸ JÜ6Tþ9Á¥µroåB。1996 MáS Ñ Å ÖÁ Xr1574£,¨¿ #¹ ¥ Ñ 20%1 ,5l Ñ b À r300£。 7,¹ Â/ ó j100%),T¹ j¨¹ ,µ YM¥ªÄ。S =r ùÑV30? V ³¥ 3þ ¹ ,Õ¹ ¥KvÙ5 ³ Î y O 4 eÅ。Îx16Ð ñBt? Ús0þÉ Â8» Í、ö8» Í、T、J TÉ、âÉ©¯Å/ 3þ³ Ñ 。 § avÐùÅc FÄÁ Ö¥ V³ 3þ Ñ ,Õ¨l 、Ö Ü、 . ÎxÅT,i»Æv 8»4Ú g ©。 !ÉÍ³Ï ¤,S¡ 33 ,µ| !É ÍT¹ 3þ×ç4FîÚs0 Ï,¨¿Â、 j¨¹ ¥ 3Á, ¡Á Ö P¨ p ¥1 p。7 !É ÍÐ?Ús0 ,¨¿ V³¹ ¥ùî¡ 。®¿ ! Ícµÿ ?v, VÉ TÈ、T1®¥ÄпQ,Ȩ¥¿ZEµÜÄ、ÂÄ、ÅÄ、Ä#Ð ñ? Ús0¤¥ P Ms0É 4Ú, µj ðÄMÑ。 2 S/vÐÐЩ¨ !É Í(V? ±þ/¼l Ï4 |)T¹ ,F ñ V ³¥ù4( ¿4、9 Ñ4),Ð ñ? Ús0 V³¥îÚs0 ¿Îx、 îÅ Y? Y = ¤¥ ŤÌâ¶z、 V ³¥ j¨¹ 。 IÓD: 1 Û? ´,ç!, +Ð a,©.Ús0 ¥ÖÌ æ¨ M .Ø:ÄÐý<ñ, 2000.80V³¹ ùîCÐÉZ塑 料2004 M 33 »1 ù 2 Ûì 8.³ Ñ ?ZC ß()J . FÄ/ Ш,2001,19(4):276-281. 3 . V³ j¨¹ ¥ùîÉZJ .CÄý,1990,(2):8-10. 4 ò. Ñ j Ð 3 ÿÌâM .Ø:ÄÐý<ñ,2002. 5 uØo,£ ü.î 3þ³ ¥ùîÉZ J .Ús0Y.1996,(2):11-12. 6 ø Ë=y. £ ·Ús0 M .Ø:ÄÐý<ñ,1998. 7 K A M Abd I J-Kader,S F Abdel Hamied.Preparation ofpoly(vinyl alcohol)Films with promising physicalproperties in comparison with commercial polyethylenefilmJ .Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2002, 86(5):1219-1226. 8 åÉ. 3þ³Ús0 # ¨M .Ø:ÄÐý<ñ,2002. 9 äy Ü,ç¿,±¶ð. V³ j¨¥ùîÉZ J .Äý ,2000,28(7):3-7. 10 ,q ö, öS,©.Îx¹ ¥ 3þ³Ð¨ ?ùîJ .<vÐÐ,1998(1):46-49. 11 Úy Ü,¿ôÙ,¦¹. 3þ V³ £ ÑÎx¯ J .Ús0 SÐÐýñ,1999, 15(3):93-95. 12 · ). 3 ÿ æ 3þ³ ¥ 3ÁШ J . Ñ ,2001,11(1):37-44. 13 ëÈ,®,3l,©.cÎx 3þ³ Ñ J . Ö0ÐÐ ¸,2000, 16(2):182-187. 14 n¯,¦f , n:¿,©.Îx Ñ C#?Z -ß J .Ús0Y,2000(4):77-95. 15 f ,$. 3þ ¹ BWî A ëý¥ Lùî J .ÏS j<vÐÐ,1998(4):63-67. 16 ñ <.Îx Ë 3þ³ ùîÉZ J .Å Õ S/,2002(4):53. 17 ßñ ´,¦f, ÃZ j.Å? 3Á ³ j¨¹ ¥ùî,CÄý, 2002,22(11):24-28. 18 Ûßé,ë¡¿.¼¹ ¥ùî#¨À J .ÏS/¼,2002(5):56-58. 19 ÚÖ.¼ j¨¹ ¥ùî#¨ J .ÏS/¼,2002(3):28-31. 20 fí V.8» Í ¹É¥³ Ñ ¥ùîÉZ J .<ÜÄÐ,1997(4):56-63. 21 1 <, ò ö,u=£,©.? Ús0 3þ³Ñ ùîCJ .¿ýÐýÐ,2000, 21(2):138-141. 22 bÄ ü,:,±Z+,©.dÎx V e;- 3þ³¹ùîШJ . Ñ S/, 1997(2):10-15. 23 ç,f ¿,ç Å,©.dÎx V e; 3þ³¹¥ùî 7?J . aÄý,1997(6):308-315. 24 Û, W¦, ìf.³ Y¹ ³VñÏïÐ ?Äв¥MÄJ .Ús0 SÐÐýñ,2000,16(4):79-81. 25 f V,¢Ö.Fs³¹ ± 3þ³ k J . Ñ ý<,2000,28(6):33-35. 26 John L,Michael B,Andreas B.The profitability oftraditional and innovative mulching techniques usingmillet crop residues in the west African Sahara J .Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,1998,67:23-35. 27 × ,(.ÏS³ Ñ ¥ùîÐ 7?J . Ñ ,2001,30(5):9-16. 28 Wv. !É ÍM .Ø:ÄÐý<ñ,2001. 29 B, nÐ ,¦kê.a ! Í ?#¨ùîÉZ J .Ú%Äý,2001,18(2):63-66. 30 gká, +,¦° ,©. !É Í¥Ú¸F´¨ÉZ,ÄýÉZ, 2001,(5):10-14. 31 +, gká,¦° ,©. !É Í Ñ Ï¥¨,Ús0Y,2002,(4):53-60. 32 Kharade A Y,Kale D D.Lignin-filled polyolefins J .JAppl Polym Sci,1999, 72(10):1321-1326. 33 ñ . V 3 !É Í¥¨o J .S Ñ , 20(2):35-36.('ÓI WJW)( ¤92:) 2 ¸,çý l. 8£ùÿ î/ Ð Â J .ÏSÑ ,1997,11(1):89-96. 3 Turng L S,Development and application of CAEtechnology for the gas-assisted injection moldingprocessJ .Advances in Polymer Technology,1995,14(1):30-35. 4 ä Û, A 3,§,©. 8£ùÿ A î EÀ J . Ñ ,2000,29(4):38-41. 5 ä Û, A 3,§ Æ,©. £ÿ îâ ï# ÎÆ ´ EJ . Ñ S/,2000,(5):38-40.('ÓI SXQ)81V³¹ ùîCÐÉZ塑 料2004 M 33 »1 ù</p>