áS j¨ ¥ùîÉZ张颂培, 李建宇,陈 娟, 张丽萍(Øý vÐÄÐÐÌâýñÐý,Ø100037)K 1:À Í M áS j¨ ;Ð !9#;4Z ë¥ùîÉZ,;4¥ ÆZE、; ¥i;、? ; öбþ 3ÉT¨ ö¥ Ä ¥、; ¥ F; h© ?É ) ,i -; ùîi¥Ù54 ?Zyp。1 o M:; ; ö+;i;´ F h;ùîÉZÏms Ë|:TQ320.73 ÓDS M :A ÓcI|:1001-9278(2003)11-0019-05Research Progress of Light Conversion Agricultural Films in ChinaZHANG Song-pei, LI Jian-yu, CHEN Juan, ZHANG Li-ping(College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University,Beijing 100037,China)Abstract:Research progress of light conversion agricultural films in optical design and light conversionagents in recent years in China w as reviewed.The addition method of light conversion agents to theagricultural films and transparency ,matching performance of emission spectrum to photosynthesis spec-trum of plant grow th and anti-attenuation of the light conversion agricultural films w ere discussed.Someproposals for the development of light agricultural films w as also put forw ard.Key words:light conversion agricultural film;spectrum characteristics;transparency ;value of lightconversion;anti-attenuation of fluorescence;research progressj¨ À QK* ® - Ê ó SÐý¥L.N.Golodkava,A.F.Lepaev© ¦¿1983 M ü 4¥,i¿1988 M °'êØ“S=ó ! Ú/ ù)ö”$wi¹“Kµ -o¥ÿ ? j ”。 ñ¥'ðØ µ ÑeEÏT¨¥ Y、 oY© ° ¥$ ,YVF; ?Ð4 9F;ÿ ?,¿ ÿ ° iV;É,Év °Tþ¥T¨。áS; ¥ùî S¿20 W90 M,ÀÂÜ å EÅ M¥?Z,2002 M 3ÁÜ¥ j XµÍ10 kt? 。v ¥ jB¨ k1,2 L¹ h°¨V ü,; ?¿ ÿTþ ÖÉ, LC9Á。Ø¿ ³ U ë±3© ¦Õ4ÜV3 a“d kùîª,÷ ÉB ü “í ʨµí4,Ñ iÎ v °,Õ ÕTþ,; (VÉTþ 3É LC9Á¿ ÿTþ ÖÉ”。 “ -là ° ù:2003-10-18Ø g1 SÐÁ'ù(2992008); j Xî¹áSÿ ? j¨¥ö1?Z ÖÕ,ñ¥Å!Шùî9¤ H.BÕ_ 3 ÿ j # î¨8“P .ÏS? ü æ,CN1204658,1999.15 Ô?ó, ©.xÚs0¯þ?;8¥ ºÄùîJ.?;Ð,1999,20(2):155 157.16 f Á ¡, > ., B +. j¨ ¥ ?ùî J .ÏS Ñ ,2002,16(12):69 74.17 Okamoto Y,Ueba Y,Dzhanibekov N F.Rare Earth M etalContaining Polymers J .M acromolecules,1981,14(1):17 22.ÏS n û ; ÿ ÑYVkç®<ê¼ æ µK ³1öùÅ¥ÏS n û ; ÿ Ñ¿2003 M819 °YV<ê 8 S/OF®¥/ kç。B S/îT¥ 3, áS Ѹ¥Bvß,S½“áSÉ ù G LÉ g ! 3Á ¥ åN|² 。U ¿ ¨£ ¥<ê¼ æ µK ³(𠨣 g U+ æµK ³) <ê 8Ú/ <。V1998 M 7 S,¾ ³9Ü Ø、SE)µl D¥Ï MEÛ ü¹ “µ3 ¦¥¼ æ S/þ1ø, 7S¨X? ü æ¥5É/ ,ùÅ ; ÿ Ñ, å H4 M HW,YV ó k,¿2003 M4,YVSE; ÏE_©,_©²T f æ õÛ Ã ?ç¥S=S1 p, !; ÿ î¥M1/ +、·SÐS ËÁ ÖM1,÷ 7。Ñ ; V 륱l¥¢( '0.11 m,ǵh? ´¥1/700) ; ÿ Ñ0.1 0.2 s HW =ÿ â ¥, îÿ Ñ# (4 ¸ÚÚ¥1 p, Ï V ëY¡1r20 nm 30 nm。 6BZ ë T¹%i¥8,¨dÈ<W。<ê¼ æ ³ùÅîÿ ; ÿ Ñ -,áSí ? ïùÅ 3Á¨ !, ðyB áSB<M¿?rSE ª ; = 3Á  3Á !/ ;、È、AòÕU Ú S/¥ø“,T¹、ÈB8Ä 3Á !¥ÅS è,ÅT µM¥ 4。 î¼ æ ³ ; ÿ Ñ¥ùÅîÿ,V“Á</ !SÁÄ ,¥l å,V üáS Ñ Å/r S=5É £ Ü,4ÚáS Ñ Å/ £ Ü、?Z; 3Á、« 8ø9F gÁ Ö¥/ c、4Ú7ø ? ï,û|?èA÷T¨。2003 M11Ï S Ñ ·23 ·