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l 2005-11-12[ “SE8639[ “2001AA247011;SE“ E” S/1[ “2001BA5031306;  jv ] M S[ “T€e1972-, 3,  ,p V, q,1V Y  e v’ 3 T;  ŸYT€。;‚] ˜I N €s •Y杨延杰1 ,李天来1,林 多2 ,范文丽1 ,韩 凌11.  jv\,  a 8 \ L i,  a  110161;2. ž j\“,  ž 265200K1 ; i   ;‚] ˜I N  €s •Y。TV [  ;} •Y „s ,] H]Mg,K l„ ,7N,P,Ca •Y l, ;/‹† 9 g„Kg。I N ;/, € ‚] 2 M–‚],N  9–Kv,K“ 9–Kv。7 3˜I N “ ;/ /†–l˜ “。1oM ;;I N;; €ms |S641.2 DS M ’A cI|1000-7091200603-0121-04Effectsof LowLight onDryMatterandMacronutrientAccumulationinDifferent TypeTomatoYANG Yan-jie 1, LI Tian-lai1, LIN Duo2,FAN Wen-li1, HAN Ling11.Horticultural College, ShenyangAgricultural University, Liaoning Province Key Laboratory ofGreenhouseHorticulture, Shenyang 110161,China;2.Horticulture Department, Laiyang AgriculturalCollege, Laiyang 265200,China AbstractThe effects of low light on dry matteraccumulation and macronutrient allocation in tomatowere studied inthis paper.The results showed that the dry matter accumulation in plant was seriously decreased in light density lowerthan 50control condition.Theabsorption of magnesiumand potassiumby tomato plantwas restrained by low light den-sity, only little restrained at nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium.Enhancing application magnesium and potassium fertiliz-ers for the improvementof tomatogrowth and development in low light density condition was important.The accumulationchange ofmacronutrientwere differentin root, stem, and leaf .Nitrogen increment ratewas themostin leaf, and potassi-umwas in root.The decrease of dry matter accumulation was smaller in wild type line than aetiolated type line.KeywordsLow light;Tomato;Dry matter;Macronutrient; T’ 31Ky B,;vVZ •YTž 3。B f ƒ/, “;v9 ,T‚;†T9,7 O €s p 99F。MQ, “;vh ,T‚;†T/†,7 O € p„ 9h 。ƒ1 p;v I NŸ  N。 –7,1 ;I N;†T„€ l•Y Bt,Œ;v•YI N € p„ Z  N,P,K 9 M,7‚] 2 l„ N,P,K ,Ca,Mg [ƒt 1“Z  , OTs v[ 1~ 3] ,B„。YV‚];v/ 0 ;I N “‚ 0 ; “ „ €  2 s  p1 ,[ ’ ;/I N € pŸ,7华北农学报2006 , 213121-124 ;I N 3•Y4G 。1 材料和方法1.1 k‹  k2003 M1  jv\ S  Ⅰ˜ ; i ›。[ 3 ]  I N “7 3˜,W„ 3 ]  IN “lM8,Y k‹。2003 M121 l,327 5 ‡ H。 - ƒ}g75 000 kg/hm2 , U 300 kg/hm2 、300 kg/hm2 、 ; K450 kg/hm2 , I,› 55cm, 35 cm,†œ。“ ; “,ZE 5 。1.2 k 9k  uF 9,I N 7 d,‚]i; q{;‹  i  I N› ; , P ;vsY1 –; 75  ;、50 ;„25 ;,[ i 1 –; v,3Q,  18。 k W d  , 1 –; 950 ~ 1120μmol/m2s, ; sY710~ 87475; 、465.5~ 62150; „245~ 270 μmol/m2s25; 。1.3 kZEI N ; 21 d04 -23 |“。| s、、„T L,105℃ 15 min,70℃/š,sY ,x V d0.28 mmr › ,2  i,s。  -Q o 1 ENc [ 4] ,M1 EPc [ 5] ,TAS-9860 ls;;9EK,Ca,Mgc 。W.7 3˜I N “Wild type line;Y.˜I N “Aetiolated type line,/]m1 ‚];v I N •YFig.1 Effectsofdifferentlightintensity ondry matteraccumulation in tomatoplant2 结果与分析2.1 ;I N •Y;I N  A•Ym1。I N {;75i; q/, Kv,7 3˜I N “W 9F–25.7v˜ “Y14.1;  2 9F– v,T Ls1 q› ; M, y ; 710~ 874μmol/m2s;I N 3K aR; S ;BWVC 9v,M ,T L 9 {/†, y †;v /†y71v。7{;50i; q„{;25i;q ;v  AI N 3 aR; ,I N8„T L  /†,3 ] A v, /†,I N qx s‚ , ‹T。ƒ ,;v 11, {;I N „ \T;7i; q1 –;v50; 0Y  465.5~ 621 μmol/m2s H,I N  sž•Y,/ 3‚ , 0 ;Ÿ I N “•Yv, 4N ;/ 。122 华 北 农 学 报 21卷V1 ;I NN,P, K, Ca, Mg •YTab.1 Effectsoflowlightintensityon N, P,K, Ca, Mgaccumulationin tomatoplant[ “Item i; qRelative light intensity25 50 75 100 Nc NitrogencontentWmg/ 263.39 648.75 662.66 741.651ckh  64.49 12.53 10.65Ymg/ 70.07 73.67 108.52 98.331ckh  28.74 25.08 -10.36Pc PhosphoruscontentWmg/ 23.01 47.99 46.93 70.251ckh  67.25 31.68 33.20Ymg/ 2.79 3.65 3.99 4.721ckh  40.96 22.70 15.55Kc PotassiumcontentWmg/ 224.85 540.89 602.89 868.991ckh  74.13 37.76 30.62Ymg/ 52.70 65.50 114.00 105.421ckh  50.01 37.87 -8.14Cac CalciumcontentWmg/ 125.40 234.00 267.60 402.301ckh  68.84 41.83 33.47Y mg/ 53.00 65.50 94.00 98.501ckh  46.19 33.50 4.57Mgc MagnesiumcontentWmg/ 89.08 179.83 227.70 352.091ckh  74.70 48.93 35.33Ymg/ 19.92 21.10 45.70 44.331ckh  55.06 52.41 -3.09m2 ;I NN,P, K, Ca, Mg „s •YFig.2 Effectoflowlightintensity onaccumulation and allocationofnitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calciumandmagnesiumintomatoplant3期 杨延杰等弱光对不同类型番茄干物质积累及矿质营养分配的影响 123 2.2 ;I N €  •Y‚]{; 21 d,I N €  C AsV1。 {; 75 i; q €   A•Y, aR;v S , “I NYNHq/N ,K,Mg l .9F。{; 50i;q €  l•Y v。{; 25i; q €  l•YKv。vM1,25i; q/ €  /†–7 3˜I N “W 64.49~ 74.70,˜ “Y28.74~ 55.06。 ;‚] €  l •Y–‚],Mg•YKv, QK ,Ca,P,N•YKl。 I N 3 ;/  3,“5 l1,7 ‹ 0  l sžK。M ;/ 3 †, Nc V,‹a’ e,E V / n„n。2.3 ; € I N 2 s •YI N ;/ 321 d, 2 €  [9sTV m2,N„Ca  Kv, 2c  9F, ;/c /† t ],Œ “WCac  6;K“ Kv,[/ ;HKc  ; 9F79F,[  ;H,c /†;P 2  M–M,“ K ;Mg  ;/ c 6,„c ,[  ; H, Mgc †,c  6W Y,“c /†。ž;v/,7 3I N“WI N “Y 2N,Cac M l,77 3I N “Pc I N “,Kc I N “,Œ7 3I N “ ;  €  2 4–vI N “。3 结论与讨论kTV , {;Hq/75; ,710~ 874 μmol/m2sI N ]T l,; ž;v50465.5 ~ 621μmol/m2s H•YF, [_T Ls  •YK;; †I N €  l„ 9 v•Y,1I N; 621 μmol/m2s50; H] Mg,K l„ ,7N,P,Ca l •Y l。yN ;/ Pr,‹S g8“, €  p1 Ÿ† g ,† 9 g„Kg,;/“ 3 l, l „ l †, V I n 。I N ;/, € ‚] 2  M–‚],P 2  M,N„Ca  9–Kv,K“ 9Kv,Mgc   WVCs。 ;/, 0 ;7 3I N “W, €  1‚ 0 ;I N “Yh –v,ƒ 1  ;I/ h –v  l h –,V7 P†8 c   6。ƒShaheen„GizawayTB[ 2, 6] 。yN,‚ YV8 €  l„  Ÿ ‘I N 0 ;Ÿ ,‹ I nž M1  3S。8 2   € Žr• 8ž 3 }†, [Ÿ™ A ž}Ÿ Ÿ•Y 3B„。• ID[ 1] Dijk S J,Van de.Differences between genotypes of tomato infoliar contents of total phosphorus, total nitrogen and nitratenitrogen under low light intensity and low night temperatures[ J] .JAgri Sci, 1986, 3449-55.[ 2] El-GizawyA M, ComaaH M.Effect of different shading lev-els on tomato plants.1.Growth, flowering and chemicalcomposition[ J] .ActaHorticulture, 1992, 323341-347.[ 3] Masuda M, Shimada Y.Diurnal changes in mineral concen-trations of xylem exudates in tomato plants and their concen-trations as affected by sunlight intensity and plant ages[ J] .Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science,1993,614839-845.[ 4] fD.  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