<p>°Ñ iCO2 iMÄ? pùî魏 珉 邢禹贤 王秀峰 马 红( öê jÏ>ª,͹ ëª>Tþ3ª>äªÏö -ª¹ -äª>Tþ3ª.Y °Ñ iCO2 iMÄ¥ö1Ìây Í ;v,Y ?E¸Ñ i =Ú iCO2dE çCO2 .¼ ì ù8; Ð、r « « 9,Ñ iCO2 i Ú²T ù 8;« 9、r « °,CO2 ø×.1oM °Ñ i CO2 i °MÄ 1«MÄ bWs CO2 ÓcI| 1001-9332(2003)03-0354-05 Ïms Ë| S625 ÓDS M AVariation of CO2 concentration insolar greenhouse in Northern China.WEI Min,XING Yuxian,WANG Xi-ufeng,MA Hong(Collegeof Horticulture, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China).-Chin .J.Appl.Ecol .,2003,14(3):354 358.Thevariationof CO2concentrationin winter-spring cultivated solargreenhousein northernChina wasstudied.ThediurnalchangeofCO2 concentration showedanirregularU' shapein most case, themaximum valueap-peared priortounveilingstraw matin themorning, and theminimum between 1200 and 1400 PM.Some-times, anirregularW' shapecurvewithtwovalleyswasalsoobserved, withthefirstoneappearedpriortotheventilationat noon, and thesecond occurredbetween 1500 1630 PM.During the period of winter-springcultivation, thedaily maximum concentration of CO2 in solar greenhouse decreased gradually, while thedailyminimum concentration and daytimeaverageconcentrationdroppedfirst, thenwent up.At thesame time, thetimeof CO2 depletion lasted longer and longer.In December, CO2 depletion happened 2.1 3.1 hours aftermorning unveiling.In thenext March, however, it moved up to 0.6 1.1 hours afterunveilingin themorn-ing.At daytime, bothduringandafterventilation, solargreenhouseoftenshowedCO2depletion.TheperiodofCO2depletionextendedfrom 45.8 hoursperdayinDecemberto8 8.5hoursperdayinMarchofnext year.Thespacial distribution of CO2 concentrations within the greenhouseshowed that in themorning and in theevening, theorderwasthefront>themiddle>theback, and theground>thecanopy>theupper, andatmid-day, theorderwas thefront theupper>thecanopy.Photon fluxdensitywasthemost important environmentalfactoraffectingCO2concentrationin greenhouse.Ventilationdidnot avoided CO2 depletion.Canopy photosynthetic rate and soil respiratory rate were measured at differentgrowth stages of tomato.At seedlingstage, CO2 concentrationingreenhousewas higherthanthatoutside, duetothevigoroussoilrespirationandlowercanopy photosyntheticrate.But at fruitingstage, severeCO2depletionoccurredbecauseofstrongercanopyphotosynthesisandweaksoilrespiration.Key words Solargreenhouse, CO2concentration, Diurnalchange, Seasonalchange, Spacial distribution. öê 8âOÁ(J99I04) öê 8ª®Ï M SÐE Sù ãÁ'ù “( Z S93(1997)»319|).Yß ó“ ¦.2001-08-15 là,2001-11-30¤ s.1 ýCO2 ;T¨¥ð , ! =CO2 KÅ v;T¨,î¹4ÚÁ ¥1oÅÿy Í&shy;B.Schapendonk6©ô © Ø,*=Ñ iCO2 PÛ( 8êÄ å >15%,É ù /îÛ(hÁ11%. > © 4Ø° 13ïÛ(°Ñ i =12u M2¥µrÑ、n; H CO2 g db i¥9,i| Á ¥YÉ Yås,²TV üCO2 iÁ ¥ DKv.yN,ùî ! CO2ÌâMÄ? piÉ SÐØ e LCÚÁÚr¥$. °Ñ i áSZ¹ uë=1«ö1 ! ¡ T,µ1CO2 i¥ùî Ùµ¡3,8,10 C“d ' Æ¥ùî.7O °Ñ i²、r ÑHqTþ1 Ñ iCO2ÌâÉ “d©ç,»)ÑÌâ、Tþ 3âÐCO2 iMÄ¥1“,¹ ØØ eCO2 g4G .¨ 3 ÿÐ 2003 M3 »14 »3 ù CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY,Mar.2003,14(3)354 358DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.2003.00802 ÐZE2.1 k k¿1998 M10 2000 M5 öê 8 ü½ gu 8 öê jª¥15001630(m1,mm1 °Ñ iCO2 i1«MÄ °MÄFig.1 Seasonal and diurnalchangesof CO2concentrationin solargreen-house.¸CO2 iCO2 concentrationoutside;£ ô ô HWTimeof unveiling andcoveringmat; Y> HWTimeof openingandclosing vent;a)I NTomato;b)Û(Cucumber./Thesamebelow.1)1998.11.14;2)1998.11.30;3)1998.12.30;4)1999.01.09;5)1999.01.12;6)1999.02.04;7)1999.02.05;8)1999.03.23;9)1999.05.05.m2 ? 3â H ù °Ñ iI N 8CO2 iMÄ¥YFig.2 Effects of weather and growth stages on CO2 concentration intomatogreenhouse.1)1999.11.12,|,¼ ì ùCloudy,seedling stage;2)1999.11.19, d,¼ ì ùSunny,seedlingstage,LAI=0.48;3)2000.01.09,|,²T ùCloudy,fruitingstage;4)2000.01.25, d,²T ùSunny,fruiting stage,LAI=4.16.2).¾ f? 3¿ 8= ë“ v、;«9、 öb 7/ö> *¥ d?.ÐÛ(M1,I N °Ñ iCO2 ÷ø×(CO2 i®、 ûà HWÉ), V ?Ð 8² vµ1.m2ÉB ª ü? Tþ 8vlÑ iCO2 i¥Y.¼ ì ù,Ñ i =WCO2 Æ £ Ü3553 ù É #©: °Ñ iCO2 iMÄ? pùî m3 °Ñ iCO2Ìâ+ÄFig.3Characteristicsof CO2 environment in solargreenhouse. °KÚ iDaily maximum CO2 concentration;. °K® iDaily minimumCO2 concentration;. ° Ü ( iDailymean averageCO2 con-centration;.b -Beforeventilation;.bÏDuringventilation; .bªAfterventilation; . HÉCO2depletion time;.£ ô- HWTimefrom morningunveilingtoCO2 depletion; . HW1Ratio CO2 depletiontime. Ú,â?í Õ? (? 3 ,7 O d?ÏöYöÁ i =CO2v d,F ¼ ì¥h,CO2 iá ή,°Àи £ ܤÍ,yN,Y ù 4»û °Ñ iCO2 iÚ £ Ü.²T ù,I N 8= ë“ v(LAI=4.16),;« 9, d? ö£ ôªÿ1.4h'ïCCO2 ,K® ir100l·L-1,Y Ù Vϳ ?E ç ,Y ù 8CO2 i ¯1¸®16.90%P·.®m3 A,ë= ¡VñÏ °Ñ i °KÚCO2 iïvhl, °K® iæ Ü ( i5ª 6. - ùTþ 8 l,Ñ iCO2 i Ú,Y v( Y gvlY HW),? 3Ç? 3 ;12u M2 B MÏKe Ï1«, °Ñ iY l .À ?>,Tþ 8 v,;« 9,CO2 Kø×2ªF Tþ3ª>äª2 mÚ);£ ôª,Tþh P3ªCO2 iá Î/,i HW =î¹K®,ÕYÈ»ûÀ ôª1 h .À÷É HW ?ë¯.â?,͹ ëª2mÚ)CO2 iM1 µ Õf:1) - SÔÚ¿ª2) ö -®¿ª,/öMQ(m4).3ªÐ ¥M Ö Y4N iÚ®¥×1y Í, H s͹ ë 8²、3ª Ñ i bWvl#Y©¥Y.3.2.2ÊÂCO2 i Ñ i -、Ï、ªÊÂCO2 iÚ® ¨½ £ ô&shy; - ôª¹ -356 ¨ 3 ÿ Ð 14 m4 °Ñ iCO2 i¥ H bsFig.4 Temperal-spatialdistributionCO2 concentrationin solargreenhouse.1)͹ ëGround;2)Tþ3ªCrop canopy;3)äUpper;4) -Front;5)ÏMeddle;6)ªBack.m5 °Ñ iCO2 iMÄÐI N;T¨r « ¥1“Fig.5Effectsof canopyphotosynthesis and soil respiration on CO2 concentration in tomatosolargreenhouse.A)¼ ì ùSeedlingstage(LAI=0.48);B)²T ùFruitingstage(LAI=4.16).¸CO2 iCO2 concentrationambient;.Ñ iCO2 iCO2concentrationwithin thegreenhouse;.r « Î qSoil respiration;. 8; Î qCanopy photosynthesis.a)n; HWSunshinetime(a1:740 1710,a2:830 1650);b)Y HWVentilation time(b1:1030 1500,b2:11401400).>Ï>ª£ ôª -CO2 iá Î/, YÐ, -,;T¨ïvh Ð,r « ÁCO2 i 6(m5A).3.3.2²T ù r « üAh Ð, ° Ü ( dbCO2 Î q¹¼ ì ù¥24.23%,Ïö -ªÇ¹Î q¥6.88%,ù®¿h.940Ñ iCO2 iÚ¿¸,« 9¥ 8;T¨ P á ή,i HW =? 3 ;Y ù,v CO2É ÆÑi, i =y ëBÕ¥ Ü, =CO2 i ¯®¿¸, ª üY M;Y g1>ª, 8;T¨ PÑ iCO2 £ Ü®,CB?Ï3573 ù É #©: °Ñ iCO2 iMÄ? pùî »2ñ®!;,;T¨h Ð,r ± 3þTþ 8« T¨ PCO2 iïv 6Ú(m5B).4 ) 4.1 ôY °Ñ iCO2ÌâôY °Ñ iCO2 i | %¿Tþ 3 Øî、r« 、ÑÌâ ¦ý5 Øn (£Â¤ ô、Y©)©y Í.' k²TV ü,¼ ì ùr « « 9,8; Ð,Ñ iCO2 £ Ü Ú,Bî? 3CO2 ;²T 9 ùr « °, 8;« 9,CO2 ø×.ë= ¡VñÏ,Û(、I N 8²T ùCO2iKÚ´550850l·L-1、K®´100220l·L-1,CO2 Kø×1«¹®Ñ*v¥12u M2, YÈ? 3¿*ä£ ôª13.1h,ûÃ47.7h. Ï|B?ÏCO2 HWs¹Y&shy; -、YùWY&shy;ª3 ,5Y&shy; -0.53.0h,Yª0.52.5h. O “ - °Ñ i5 Øö1 ѹð5,øë1«YÇÏö -ª¿ì,ÊÒl H1 Y,Y l,íEE çY ùCO2 .4.2 Ñ iCO2Ø e4ÚÑ iCO2 £ ܵÕoå.1)9 µgr « Ñ iCO2 ÷&shy;B,WCO2 Æ £ ÜÚ,â? 3 ¥ HW. 8 19981999M²T ù¥©ç²Ty ë£ ôÀ HÉÐ °KÚCO2 i&shy;W¥1“Zñ,Û(Ñ iY =0.0081x -3.5739(r =0.9685),I NÑ iY =0.0040x-1.22(r=0.9221).ô Zñ, !£ ôÀY3.5h,5 °KÚCO2 i¶9001200l·L-1 µ V ?E çY - . “ - °Ñ i ¡8¿µgBQ Æ, Â' k©ç²T,ª ùr « üAh Ð.yN,V û Ú¥r CO2 db ?, V |9Fµg¨ 、sQ9 µgBW&shy;¤¥÷E. ¿©2¡,Û(²T ùç ù VA÷4ÚÑ iCO2 i,Ñ i =800、10001200¥CO2 isY¹12001800、5801200、230350l·L-1,7vÑ isY¹620700、240320180230l·L-1.ñg §©8¥ k²TVü, µg¦ÌgiÉ = 뤥 f /, V»ûC( 3â ùÑ iCO2 iÚ £ Ü.®N Vn,9 µg VüþE çY - ,NEµg¥S ¨ZE 4gä,Ñ iCO2 £ ÜØ e,µ H 4E çY ù>ª .2) ¦ý9 CO2.12u M3,I NÑ iCO2 YÈ? 3¿*ä£ ôª0.62.1h,Û(1.13.1h,N,12z g HW V£ ôª23h,1z1.52h,2z11.5h,3z0.51h.¿S¿©9ùîV ü,CO2 iÊÄ500l·L-1&shy;W¥ 9F; Î qµ vY; 'ë1«,Ïö -ª°Ñ iÛ(;T¨¥ªÄCO2 i¹460500l·L-11 . î, ûÑ iCO2 i500l·L-1 TþT¨÷µ æ, N VM4* g HW.yTþ« 9;T¨Y M,Y ù#>ª ¯iCO2 . Ñ ®¥12uM2, °Ñ i ѹð5,Y HW ,Y l,Y ùCO2 HÉ2.54.7h,>ª HÉ0.52.5h.SµÑ iTþ ?CO2 gYùCO2 g¥¡5,7 .i£ üüÉ Ä?CO2 g HW V üA4ÚÛ(、I NÁ .áS °Ñ i 3 ÿ、Ü6CO2 gZóÉBùî. 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