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<p>Study on the Vegetable Brand Construction inHebei Province Based on Agricultural SupplySide Structural ReformChunfeng ZHANG, Xiao ZHANG, Haichen SUN, Jian SONG, Wenqi DONG, Muqiang HU*Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050031,China*Corresponding author.Received: August 18, 2017 Accepted: September 26, 2017AAgricultural Science &nbsp;Supply-side reform; Brand; Hebei Province河北省蔬菜产业在供给侧结构性改革中的品牌建设研究张春锋 ,张晓 ,孙海臣 ,宋健 ,董文琦 ,胡木强*(河北省农林科学院 ,河北石家庄 050031)摘 要 加强品牌建设应作为发展河北省蔬菜产业的切入点 , 提质增效转方式的关键点 。该文针对河北省蔬菜产业面临市场饱和 、质量升级等现状 , 以及发展蔬菜品牌中存在的问题 ,提出了加强河北省品牌蔬菜发展的思路和建议 。关键词 蔬菜 ;供给侧改革 ;品牌 ;河北作者简介 张春锋 (1978-),男 ,河北景县人 ,副研究员 ,主要从事农业科技管理与农业经济研究 ,E-mail: sword_feng126.com。 * 通讯作者 ,胡木强 (1957-),男 ,河北安国人 ,研究员 、国务院特贴专家 、省管优秀专家 ,主要从事 “三农 “问题研究和农业科技管理 、农业经济研究 。收稿日期 2017-08-18修回日期 2017-09-26Agricultural Economy and ManagementDOI:10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2017.10.046AgriculturalScience&amp;Technology 2017Table 1 Vegetable production and national ranking in Hebei Province from 2000 to 2015YearSowing area104mu Total yield104t Yield per mukgNationwide Heibei Rank Nationwide Hebei Rank Nationwide Hebei Rank2010 28 499.9 1 707.9 6 65 099.4 7 073.6 2 2 284.2 4 141.8 12011 29 458.8 1 736.9 7 67 929.7 7 394.3 2 2 305.9 4 251.7 12012 30 528.9 1 804.5 7 70 883.1 7 695.1 2 2 321.9 4 264.4 12013 31 349.2 1 830.5 7 73 512.0 7902.1 2 2 344.9 4 316.8 12014 32 107.2 1 856.2 7 76 005.5 8 125.7 2 2 367.3 4 377.5 1and the planting area of greenhousevegetables accounts for 50% of the to-tal vegetable planting area. The tradi-tional seasonal production has beenshifted to the annual production sup-ply, and the stagger-season vegetableproduction in Zhangjiakou and Chen-gde regions is one of the characteristicvegetable production patterns inHebei.With the support of a series ofsupporting and benefiting-farmerspolicies, the vegetable planting struc-ture in Hebei has been continuouslyoptimized, and scientific and techno-logical progress has been made, mak-ing the vegetable industry developrapidly. In recent years, the sown area,total output and per mu yield of veg-etables in Hebei have reached a stablelevel, ranking at 7th, 2nd, and 1st, re-spectively (see Table 1). By the end of2015, the vegetable production valueof the whole province was 160.82 mil-lion Yuan, accounting for 26.90% ofagricultural output. The vegetable areaaccounted for 14.21% of the totalsown area of crops, and the total out-put value of vegetable planting rankedthe top in the planting industry of HebeiProvince, which has become the majorvegetable production province in Chi-na, and the main production supplybase of the vegetable markets in Bei-jingandTianjin5. Withthe developmentof vegetable industry, the vegetablemarket and quality requirements areundergoing profound changes.Seasonal saturation of vegetablesupplyIn recent years, vegetable indus-try in China has developed rapidly, andthe market environment is undergoingmajor changes. Domestic vegetablemarketing China has appeared sea-sonal saturation, and vegetable mar-ket has changed from former sellersmarket to buyers market6. In 2015,the total output of vegetables reached7.85 t, and the per capita output ofvegetables in China exceeded 500 kg,much higher than the world average.The output of vegetables per capita inHebei province exceeded 1 000 kg,and the rate of commodities wasabove 80% , among which the totalsales volume outside the province ac-counted for 60% of the total output.Therefore, Hebei vegetable productionshould moderate the overall scale ofvegetable production, make the pro-duction of high-quality vegetable prod-ucts as the core, develop the deepprocessing and diversification of veg-etable products, and extend the veg-etable industry chain4.Unsuitable vegetable supply forconsumer demandWith the increase of resident in-come, upgrade of consumption struc-ture and development of “Sanpinyib-iao“ agricultural products, consumers&#39;brand recognition and demand degreeto quality, brand, diversity vegetableshas been increased day by day. InChina, the vegetable market demandhas been gradually shifted from theprice-oriented and quantity-oriented tobrand-oriented and quality-oriented,and high-grade, high-quality and brandvegetables are becoming more andmore popular among consumers3. Atpresent, the markets of Beijing andTianjin are dominated by pollution-freefood and vegetables, accounting forabout 50% -60% , supplemented bygreen food and vegetables supple-ment, accounting for 20%-30%7. Theoverall development trend is towardhigh quality, high-grade, green-orient-ed, organic food and vegetables. Theinternational market is paying moreand more attention to vegetable safe-ty, and the threshold of internationalvegetable market is increasing contin-uously. In this context, it is difficult forthe vegetable products to get the mar-ketplace without paying attention tothe quality. Therefore, Hebei mustseize the opportunity of coordinateddevelopment of Beijing, Tianjin andHebei, aim at the Beijing and Tianjinmarkets, as well as the internationalmarket, upgrade the product quality,and realize the transformation and up-grading of the industry as soon aspossible.Existing Problems in Veg-etable Brand of HebeiIn recent years, Hebei Provincehas actively promoted the develop-Fig. 1 Proportion of vegetables sown area in Hebei Province in 20151990AgriculturalScience&amp;Technology2017ment of brand agriculture, which hasstrengthened the brand awareness ofthe main production and managemententities, increased the number of veg-etables “Sanpinyibiao“ certification andregistered trademarks, and improvedthe vegetable industry brand level.However, many problems have alsobeen found in the actual investigation.High wholesale market, low brandshareMost of the vegetables in Hebeiappear on the market in large pack-ages or in raw naked status, and thevegetables are without processing orwith rough processing, making themcan only enter the low-end market.The market occupancy volume is quitesmall for the find special vegetables,packaged vegetables and processedvegetables. According to the survey, atpresent, 80% of vegetables in Hebeiare sold in bulk through wholesalemarket sales, and due to the deficien-cies in packaging and brand, only asmall proportion enters into the high-end supermarkets or agriculture-su-permarket jointing, greatly affecting theproduct sales prices. Taking the mar-kets in Beijing and Tianjin for example,although Hebei vegetables account for50% or so in the wholesale markets ofBeijing and Tianjin, the average shareof markets of the green, pollution-freeand organic vegetable brands of Hebeiis less than 10% due to the limitationsof vegetable brand and package8.Hebei Province is close to Beijing andTianjin, but the location advantage hasnot been fully realized in the marketshare of vegetables in the market ofBeijing and Tianjin. As for the export,the vegetable yield in 2015 of Hebeiaccounted for 10.5% of the total inChina, but the output amount was lessthan 1% of the national total, indicatingthat the Hebe vegetables is not com-petitive enough in the middle and high-end market.Massive registered trademarks,small brand influenceBrand marketing has become therequirement of the times and the trendof industrial development. In recentyears, the brand awareness of gov-ernment and enterprises has in-creased. The number of registeredtrademarks of vegetable products inHebei has increased rapidly, and thebrand-based construction of vegeta-bles in Hebei also has improved8, es-pecially the “Sanpinyibiao“ vegetablesof Hebei, which have got the favorfrom the middle and high-end marketsof Beijing and Tianjin. However, theestablishment, publicity and invest-ment of vegetable brands are far fromenough. There is a lack of market ori-ented industry guidance, long-termplanning and key support. Brand man-agement stays at the stage of smalland scattered front-end establishment.Farmers are in the lack of awarenessto improve the quality and build brandsto get premium incomes, and someregistered vegetable trademarks areonly regarded as a sign, while thequality and appearance of vegetableshave not reached the level of the reg-isteredtrademarks9.These also lead tolow brand recognition, products addedvalues and market competitiveness ofthe vegetables of Hebei.Low organizational degree, fewbrand operating entitiesThe vegetable production inHebei is mainly managed by farmers,which is characterized by small scaleand large community. The scale of op-eration is between 0.2 -0.3 hm. Thecontradiction between the small-scaleproduction and the big market, big cir-culation has become increasingly pro-minent. Random planting, uncertainvegetables varieties, quantity andquality are not favorable for the estab-lishment of a stable market supplysystem, and most of the vegetables inHebei enter the market in unorganizedscattered form. Vegetable coopera-tives are still in the initial stage, andvegetable specialized cooperative or-ganizations are generally small withweak driving role. Most cooperativesbelong to the production service type,which do not have strong coveringpower and driving power to vegetablegrowers. The leading vegetable enter-prises in Hebei are in small scale, andlimited by the scale and technologicalfactors, the enterprises are still notstrong enough to drive the develop-ment of vegetable industry in HebeiProvince, resulting in the lack of princi-pal brand management enterprises ofvegetables and core support of ruralprofessional cooperative organizationin Hebei, making the vegetable brandstrategy hard to implement8.Suggestions on Strength-ening Vegetable Brand De-velopment in HebeiFacing the new market environ-ment, the development of Hebei veg-etable industry must focus on the agri-cultural supply side structural reform,strengthen the vegetable brand build-ing, put “quality and efficiency im-provement“ in the first place, regard “brand building“ as the main direction,build the vegetable production patternwith organic as the high standard,pollution-free as the low standard andgreen as the main body, enhance theinnovation in marketability and mar-keting mode, so as to adapt and meetthe needs of consumers, and promotethe healthy development of vegetableindustry in Hebei.Improving vegetable science andtechnology innovation abilityThe future of Hebei Province veg-etable industry development mustclosely rely on scientific and techno-logical progress, take the path of tap-pingconnotationand saving resources,put the quality improvement in a moreprominent position, accelerate thevegetable quality and variety structureadjustments through independent in-novation and introduction, digestion,absorption and demonstration, popu-larization and application, focus onsolving the problems of variety cus-tomization, planting standardization,equipment automation, operation me-chanization and quality securitization,speed up the pace of technological in-novation, and guide the sustainableand healthy development of vegetableindustry of Hebei with innovation.Creating regional characteristicvegetable brandsBrand agriculture comes first from“production“. Hebei vegetable produc-tion should combine with the existinginfrastructure, resources superioritywith market demand, give full play tothe comparative advantage, highlightthe local characteristics, carry out dis-location development and differentia-tion development, speed up the culti-vation of special areas and specialproducts5, strengthen the vegetable“Sanpinyibiao“ certification, make “qu-antity“ into “specialty“ and “specialty“1991AgriculturalScience&amp;Technology 2017Responsible editor: Na LI Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WUinto “advantage“, and increase thenumber of quality brands. It should al-so make full use of the regional ad-vantages surrounding Beijing andTianjin, make great efforts to the con-struction of vegetable parks aroundBeijing and Tianjin, build up the pro-duction base of the basket products,as well as make full use of cold andcool climate, environmental-friendlymountainous area advantage, pay ad-equate attention to the ecological veg-etable base construction in mountain-ous area, regard environmental safetyas the beautiful name cards for brandproduction, develop organic vegetableproduction and satisfy the high-endmarket demand.Supporting vegetable brand leadingenterprisesStrong vegetable brands can notbe separated from leading enterprises.It should increase the technologicaland capital support to the leading en-terprises in the key fields like veg-etable processing, cold chain storageand transportation and marketing. Vig-orously cultivate the leading enterprisebrands in vegetable industry, increasethe vegetable production and organi-zation level through the brand sup-ports of leading enterprises, guide theparticipation of scale entities like large-scale grower and vegetable special-ized cooperatives into industry chainsystem, guide the change of their cul-tivation and sale mode, so as to in-crease the added value of vegetables.At the same time, it should enhancethe brand agricultural talents trainingproject around the construction of newvegetable business entities, so as tolay the foundation for the developmentof brand vegetables.Establishing brand vegetable trace-ability systemThe development of brand veg-etables should be based on qualityand safety. It should ensure the safetyof vegetable production environment,carry out scientific control of land andwater, purify the producing environ-ment of agricultural products, usehigh-efficient non-toxic inputs with lowresidues, reduce and control the appli-cation amount of chemical fertilizersand pesticides, strictly control addi-tives, eliminate pollutants into farm-land. And establish and improve themarked traceability system of veg-etable quality using modern informa-tion technology, and therefore thebrand vegetables can achieve that thesources can be traced, flow directioncan be tracked, information can be qu-eried, products can be called back. Inthe meantime, it should establish andimprove the most stringent vegetablesafety supervision responsibility sys-tem and accountability system, so asto achieve the full coverage of brandvegetables retroactive responsibility.Paying attention to vegetable brandpublicity and promotionThe process of brand building isto realize the added value of agricul-tural products, so the popularizationand promotion of vegetable brandsshould be served as important mea-sures to upgrade vegetable industry. Itshould show the vegetable image ofHebei through traditional media, web-sites, new media, large-scale exhibi-tions using the ways of vegetablebrand selection, brand production andmarketing, gradually establishing theenterprise brand image, expanding thesocial influence, and improving brandeffect. The promotion of integrativedevelopment of the first, secondaryand tertiary industries should strength-en the excavation and exploitation ef-forts to vegetable culture, improve thelevel and quality of brand vegetableculture with the help of rur</p>


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