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2020 3 28 3 Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture Mar 2020 28 3 349 356 2016YFD0201001 CX 18 1005 E mail jmin E mail wuxingkui 2019 09 24 2019 12 26 This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China 2016YFD0201001 and the Independent Inno vation Fund Project of Agricultural Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province CX 18 1005 Corresponding author E mail jmin Received Sep 24 2019 accepted Dec 26 2019 DOI 10 13930 ki cjea 190761 J 2020 28 3 349 356 WU X K JIANG Z C LU Z X LU G XU Y H SHI W M MIN J Effects of the partial replacement of chemical fertilizer with manure on the yield and nitrogen emissions in leafy vegetable production J Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture 2020 28 3 349 356 武星魁 1 2 姜振萃 3 陆志新 4 路 广 4 徐永辉 4 施卫明 2 闵 炬 2 1 100049 2 210008 3 264000 4 214206 针对叶菜类蔬菜有机肥氮替代化肥氮的最佳替代比例及对经济效益和环境效应综合评价较缺乏等问 题 本研究采用田间试验 对包心菜和小青菜进行等氮水平下不同比例有机肥替代化肥处理 包括 纯化肥氮 0M 25 50 75 和 100 有机肥替代化肥 25 M 50 M 75 M 和 100 M 研究不同处理下蔬菜产 量 经济效益 土壤氨挥发和氧化亚氮排放 结果表明 25 M 处理下包心菜和小青菜产量均达最高 且与 0M 处理相比包心菜和小青菜的产量分别增加 15 0 P 0 05 和 16 3 P 0 05 25 M 比 0M 处理经济效益分别增 加 11 7 和 5 4 但在 50 M 75 M 和 100 M 处理下经济效益为负增长 25 M 处理下 氨挥发累积排放 量在包心菜和小青菜季分别为 42 1 kg hm 2 和 12 9 kg hm 2 比 0M 处理分别降低 23 4 P 0 05 和 41 6 P 0 05 0M 和 25 M 处理间氧化亚氮累积排放量无显著差异 25 M 处理在包心菜和小青菜季的氧化亚 氮累积排放量分别为 0 74 kg hm 2 和 3 06 kg hm 2 与 25 M 处理相比 50 M 75 M 和 100 M 处理下氧化亚 氮排放分别增加 33 7 60 8 P 0 05 50 0 134 3 P 0 05 和 56 8 185 6 P 0 05 基于此 提出叶菜类 蔬菜有机肥氮替代化肥氮的适宜替代比例在 25 左右时可实现最佳的增效减排效果 有机肥替代化肥 增效减排 包心菜 小青菜 氨挥发 氧化亚氮 S143 6 OSID Effects of the partial replacement of chemical fertilizer with manure on the yield and nitrogen emissions in leafy vegetable production WU Xingkui 1 2 JIANG Zhencui 3 LU Zhixin 4 LU Guang 4 XU Yonghui 4 SHI Weiming 2 MIN Ju 2 1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China 2 Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing 210008 China 3 Agricultural Technology Popularization Center in Yantai Yantai 264000 China 4 Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Yixing City Yixing 214206 China Abstract Vegetables are the second largest crop in China with leafy vegetables accounting for a large proportion for which the yield is increasingly dependent on large inputs of chemical fertilizer especially nitrogen However there are problems concerning the high application rate of chemical fertilizers and low nitrogen use efficiency of leafy vegetable production Continuously high inputs 350 2020 28 of chemical nitrogen fertilizer can easily lead to soil quality degradation environmental pollution and other problems which seriously restrict the sustainable development of vegetable production The partial replacement of chemical fertilizer with manure could potentially increase efficiency and reduce emissions To illuminate the best ratio for the nitrogen replacement of chemical fertilizer by manure and to evaluate the economic benefits and environmental effects of leafy vegetable production field experiments were conducted To study the effects of the partial replacement of chemical fertilizer with manure on the yield economic benefits ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emissions of Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis production 5 treatments were used pure fertilizer 0M and chemical fertilizers replaced with 25 50 75 and 100 organic fertilizers 25 M 50 M 75 M and 100 M respectively The results showed that among the different treatments the yield of B oleracea and B chinensis were both highest under the 25 M treatment Compared with the 0M treatment the yield of B oleracea and B chinensis significantly increased by 15 0 and 16 3 respectively P 0 05 During the B oleracea and B chinensis seasons compared with the 0M treatment the 25 M treatment increased the economic benefit by 11 7 and 5 4 respectively However the economic benefit was negative under the 50 M 75 M and 100 M treatments Under the 25 M treatment the cumulative ammonia volatilization emissions were 42 1 and 12 9 kg hm 2 during the B oleracea and B chinensis seasons which were 23 4 and 41 6 lower than that of the 0M treatment respectively P 0 05 There were no significant differences between the 0M and 25 M treatments concerning the cumulative nitrous oxide emissions Under the 25 M treatment the cumulative nitrous oxide emissions were 0 74 and 3 06 kg hm 2 during the B oleracea and B chinensis seasons respectively Compared with the 25 M treatment the nitrous oxide emissions increased by 33 7 60 8 50 0 134 3 and 56 8 185 6 in the 50 M 75 M and 100 M treatments respectively Based on this it is proposed that for leafy vegetable production the appropriate replacement ratio of chemical nitrogen fertilizer by manure is approximately 25 which can achieve the greatest efficiency increase and emission reduction Keywords Organic manure replacing chemical fertilizer Efficiency increase and emission reduction Brassica oleracea Brassica chinensis Ammonia volatilization Nitrous oxide 1 2018 2 043 hm 2 12 3 2 1 000 kg N hm 2 3 2 4 20 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 30 16 19 10 20 20 Zea mays 21 Oryza sativa 22 Triticum aestivum 23 24 Solanum tuberosum 25 Lycopersicon esculentum 26 27 28 Brassica oleracea Brassica chinensis 3 351 1 材料与方法 1 1 15 17 1 000 1 200 mm 0 20 cm 24 g kg 1 560 mg kg 1 133 mg kg 1 215 mg kg 1 EC 1 3 mS cm 1 pH 6 6 35 N P 2 O 5 K 2 O 2 2 0 93 1 61 1 2 5 0 25 50 75 100 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 1 600 kg N hm 2 300 kg P 2 O 5 hm 2 450 kg K 2 O hm 2 220 kg N hm 2 110 kg P 2 O 5 hm 2 176 kg K 2 O hm 2 7 m 2 7 m 3 2017 3 21 5 3 1 5 28 2017 6 22 9 1 表 1 不同施肥处理包心菜和小青菜的施氮量 Table 1 N application rates of different fertilization treatments for Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis kg N hm 2 Treatment Brassica oleracea Brassica chinensis Basal fertilization Topdressing Total N rate Basal fertilization Total N rate 1 Organic fertilizer 1 Chemical fertilizer 1 Organic fertilizer 1 Chemical fertilizer 0M 0 450 150 600 0 220 220 25 M 150 300 150 450 55 165 165 50 M 300 150 150 300 110 110 110 75 M 450 0 0 150 165 55 55 100 M 600 0 0 0 220 0 0 1 N P 2 O 5 K 2 O 2 2 0 93 1 61 1 Organic fertilizer is commercial organic fertilizer containing 2 2 N 0 93 P 2 O 5 and 1 61 K 2 O respectively 1 3 1 PVC 15 cm 30 cm 0 017 7 m 2 15 min 1 2 4 h 80 mL 2 1 PVC 53 cm 53 cm 58 cm 58 cm 5 cm 55 cm 55 cm 60 cm 7 d 1 1 4 9 00 11 00 1 4 3 SPSS 25 0 Origin 9 0 2 结果与分析 2 1 1 25 M 0M 15 0 P 0 05 50 M 75 M 100 M 25 M P 0 05 16 3 352 2020 28 图 1 不同施肥处理下包心菜 小青菜的产量 Fig 1 Yields of Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis under different fertilization treatments 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 0 25 50 75 100 P 0 05 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M and 100 M indicate 0 25 50 75 and 100 replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen with organic fertilizer nitrogen Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments in Bras sica oleracea or Brassica chinensis seasons P 0 05 2 2 0 8 kg 1 3 kg 1 1 kg 1 4 kg 1 100 1 d 1 0 3 1 600 1 21 750 hm 2 3 2 kg 1 0 6 g 1 600 1 5 800 hm 2 5 kg 1 0M 2 25 M 0M 50 M 75 M 100 M 15 1 6 8 10 0 9 8 25 M 11 7 25 M 0M 50 M 75 M 100 M 7 7 9 8 10 1 20 1 25 M 5 4 2 3 2 0M 55 kg hm 2 22 2 kg hm 2 75 M 25 8 kg hm 2 0M 53 1 100 M 2 7 kg hm 2 0M 87 8 25 M 42 1 kg hm 2 12 9 kg hm 2 0M 表 2 不同施肥处理下包心菜和小青菜的经济效益分析 Table 2 Economic benefits of Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis under different fertilization treatments Leafy vegetable Treatment Organic fertilizer hm 2 Chemical fertilizer hm 2 Labour hm 2 Total cost hm 2 Output value hm 2 Profit hm 2 Increased in come Brassica oleracea 0M 0 10 013 6 233 37 996 168 082 2 160b 130 086 3 160ab 25 M 5 455 9 004 11 853 48 062 193 379 6 466a 145 317 6 466a 11 7 5 0a 50 M 10 909 7 995 17 533 58 187 181 043 10 524b 122 856 10 524bc 5 6 8 1b 75 M 16 364 6 985 23 063 68 162 175 782 11 722b 107 620 11 722cd 17 3 9 0bc 100 M 21 818 5 976 28 773 78 317 176 181 6 578b 97 864 6 578d 24 8 5 1c Brassica chinensis 0M 0 3 759 2 558 12 117 134 500 13 509a 122 383 13 509ab 25 M 2 000 3 389 4 624 15 813 144 795 15 308a 128 982 15 308a 5 4 12 5a 50 M 4 000 3 019 6 679 19 498 131 843 11 180a 112 345 11 180b 8 2 9 1b 75 M 6 000 2 649 8 733 23 182 131 562 19 515a 108 379 19 515c 11 4 15 9bc 100 M 8 000 2 279 10 800 26 879 120 543 5 385a 93 664 5 385c 23 5 4 4c 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 0 25 50 75 100 P 0 05 Total cost organic fertilizer chemical fertilizer labor seedling pesticide production value production average price of seasonal crops net profit production value total cost 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M and 100 M indicate 0 25 50 75 and 100 replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen with organic fertilizer nitrogen Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among different treatments in Brassica oleracea or Brassica chinensis seasons P 0 05 3 353 图 2 不同施肥处理下包心菜地和小青菜地的氨挥发量 Fig 2 Ammonia volatilization loss from Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis fields under different fertilization treat ments 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 0 25 50 75 100 P 0 05 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M and 100 M indicate 0 25 50 75 and 100 replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen with organic fertilizer nitrogen Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treat ments in Brassica oleracea or Brassica chinensis seasons P 0 05 25 M 23 5 41 9 P 0 05 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 23 4 34 7 53 0 45 2 78 1 102 3 25 4 93 8 2 4 3 0M 25 M 0 89 kg hm 2 0 74 kg hm 2 P 0 05 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 60 8 50 56 8 0M 25 M 2 88 kg hm 2 3 06 kg hm 2 P 0 05 50 M 75 M 100 M 4 09 kg hm 2 7 18 kg hm 2 8 74 kg hm 2 P 0 05 25 M 50 M 33 7 50 M 75 M 100 M 32 6 24 5 29 4 28 1 509 1 590 5 图 3 不同施肥处理下包心菜和小青菜地氧化亚氮排放通量 Fig 3 Seasonal N 2 O emission loss from Brassica oleracea and Brassica chinensis fields under different fertilization treatments 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M 100 M 0 25 50 75 100 P 0 05 0M 25 M 50 M 75 M and 100 M indicate 0 25 50 75 and 100 replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen with organic fertilizer nitrogen Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treat ments in Brassica oleracea or Brassica chinensis seasons P 0 05 3 讨论 25 29 20 30 30 20 Lactuca sativa 0M 29 50 25 M 354 2020 28 31 32 33 34 0M 35 36 7 8 4 5 37 38 39 4 结论 25 25 0M 50 25 参考文献 References 1 M 2019 National Bureau of Statistics of China China Statistical Yearbook M Beijing China Statistics Press 2019 2 J 2014 2 28 FENG X L Characteristics and application of fertilizer in leaf vegetable J Vegetables 2014 2 28 3 J 2009 15 1 151 157 MIN J SHI W M Effects of different N rates on the yield N use efficiency and fruit quality of vegetables cultivated in plastic greenhouse in Taihu Lake region J Plant Nutrition and Fertilize Science 2009 15 1 151 157 4 J 2018 32 3 36 41 ZHAO Z ZHOU D P CHU C B et al Impacts of different fertilization and straw returning measures on the loss of car bon and nitrogen in rice wheat rotation system J Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2018 32 3 36 41 5 J 2011 43 6 903 909 LU K P XIE Y F MIN J et al Effects of different N rates on soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation in new plastic greenhouse of 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