ó Ð 2002, 29 (5):477 479Acta Horticulturae Sinicalà ° ù:2001-12-24;©í ° ù:2002-04-30Á “:SEp Vª SÐÁ “(Ïp1998 9|); a 8p V îÁ “( S?2000 6|)C¹ öê j<vÐóÐp Vª î_p Vªùî ¦ô。°Ñ iC% 3É?â« pùî吕德国 刘国成 杜国栋( + j<vÐóÐý, +110161)K 1:C% °Ñ iHq/,1 6Ñ(±éYV¨ äª,£ 7¤ ú °iV ° ÆÑ i =PÑ 6) 7 S 7½ÿ30 d,½ ùûÃ10 14 d; 7½ª17 21 d 3 Ø T; 3 Ø TÀT L“ ä29 43 d ( MWµsv);“ äî ÿ10 d。ïÅ“S” 3É,»2Q«É¹Ê«É, <ùv¿»1Q,?èv Í?,«W É。ô £ ªá Î/,Ð¥=* M1,Ê 3ɪ» 6, <ù# ¨ 。1oM: °Ñ i;C%; 3É?â« pÏms Ë|:S 663.1 ÓDS M :A ÓcI|:0513-353X (2002)05-0477-031 “¥、 ÐZEC% °Ñ i ¡ÏÈ? 3±é 3É?â ,UTµ,½èsÄ ,¥=* ,Ê«É© C1,2 。'ùî» ì °Ñ iHq/C% 3É?â? p,V7¹ ÚÁÚr4/ I。 k¿1998 M9À2000 M9 + j<vÐóÐý °Ñ iÏÉ。3 M 3、 5M 3£§' , 2 M 3é ¼*' 、 4' 、 D' 、» 5'¹ k, ! (¹' ö%Cerasussachalinensis (Fr.Schu)Kom.(Prunus lereileana)koehne.。M Æ °Ñ i - (°å30 cm,Ú40 cm¥I® ì。 ûKô±,ç± '20 cm,¸b4.5 v,î36 cm×36 cm¥Kôª,E¸ô“/=。±é õ ì¥I®B b ,g 7ª Ü ë, æ¨Vr ¡r û( z60 cm,/ z100 cm,Ú40 cm)。 Ä2ÛØ°1Q%ô 3ÉÄ ,Zʹ 3göå1/2)5 25 cmrª, |Z vrE(20 cm×20 cm×20 cm)。ë |1 gY<1 mm¥%ô,9 3ÉÄ 。4³±é 7½þ© ù#T L?âÉñ。 ÄÛØ°1QÉ、ÄÛ。él u,ׯ10Q。2 ²TÐs2.1 5 M 3£§'²T ¹ 3É?âÉñV M °Ñ iÏ£§'C%¥ 3É?âÉñ(V1) V A,1 6Ñ(±éYV¨ äª,£ 7¤ ú °iV ° ÆÑ i = PÑ 6) 7 S 7½ (Í30 d ,NWâ? ÑKÚ20,W6 8;½ ùâ? Ñ16 18,W8 10,½ ùûÃ10 14 d。 7½ª17 21 d»1Q 3 Ø T。1»1Q 3 Ø TÀT L“ ä MWµs v,29 43 d 。“ äî (10 dP·。yN,T L?⥠ù»2Q ÎÉ ù¥É sÌâHq ¡5 Øn Yv, %ç °Ñ iT L?â ùÉ ¥×1 H ù,Ø«T Lî ù¥*“¿NB H ù。2.2 2 M 3C%¼ ¹ 3É?âÉñ2.2.1 新梢生长动态 °Ñ iÏC%ï üA¥“S” 3É(m1)。 6ѪÜVB H ù¥Ï ¤ 3ÉªÉ Æ»1ñ ÎÉ ù,ûÃÍ1ñ(325 °À422 °)。ªÉ ÆÏ ¤ 3É ù,N H ù“D' ÖÕ ¯µ üA9É, Å3ñ ÖÕ+ÍTÉ。ûÃÍ50 d (422 °À610 °)ª, îµ ÖÕ»5ªÉ Æ»2Q«É ù, 4'» 5'3É« 9, é ¼*'D' »1Qá Î 3É ù 3É v。»2Q«É ùûà HW¥É , ÖÕWµY v, é¼*'K5TÉ,»2Q«ÉÇûÃ28 d; 4'KªTÉ,»2Q«ÉûÃÍ50 d。V1 °Ñ iC% 7½#T L?âÉñ( 6Ѫ? )Table1 Processesof bloomingand fruit development of sweet cherryin solar greenhouse (days after heating) (d)7 S 6Ñ ° ùHeating initiation dayS½Beginning ofblooming3 Ø TPhysiologicaldropStonehardeningT L»2Qá Î ³vSecond fast largingof fruitT L“ äFruitcolouring lHarvesting1999-01-18 29 (02-16) 46 (03-05) 67 (03-26) 84 (04-12) 89 (04-17) 98 (04-26)2000-02-02 28 (03-01) 49 (03-22) 59 (04-02) 65 (04-08) 78 (04-21) 87 (04-30)ÿ: | =¹ ° ù(- °)。Note:Data in the blank was date (month-day).m1 °Ñ i2 M 3C%¼ 3Éî ÿFig.1 Rhythm of shootsgrowth of 2yearsold sweet cherryplant in solar greenhouseV' 3É A, 4ñ ÖÕ®vl¹:» 5' (94.0 cm), 4' (84.3 cm), D'(82.9 cm), é ¼*' (52.3 cm)。» 5' 3É K <, é ¼*'K Ð OTÉ*, V ?çU *TÁ。2.2.2 干周增长动态 Vm2 V A, 4ñ ÖÕ¥ÄÛ9É¿3É,1415 °ª( 6Ѫ73 d) ( 7 SÏ ¤9F,í üA¥FY 3ÉVñ。 ª üñ 3É1g £É±é 3É?âdÈ×1。4ñ ÖÕ1 ,ÄÛFYK y¥¹D' ,K ¤¥¹ 4' ,ñ 3É1 4'ÄÛFY SÔ)¿K® £ Ü, 429 °ªD'5B°)¿KÚ £ Ü。´¤ÿi¥ » 5'B ÖÕ, KÉ¥,7ÄÛFY T¸K*¥。7 OÄÛ9É (730 ° HT¸,NC´¤ ' Æùî。m2 °Ñ i2 M 3C%ÄÛ 3Éî ÿFig.2 Rhythm of perimeter of trunk growth of 2 years old sweet cherry plant in solar greenhouse478 ó Ð 29 2.3 ô“? 3î ÿVm3 V A,ôH Û1«MÄv。 3É1¥ - ù(514 ° -)á Î/, £ ° (430 °)ª,B°ûÃ5Ï×。ª 7 S 6, l, O Û'Q/。3É1ª ù(7/ת),ôH » üA9F,Q l1?ôÚ¥ 。m3 °Ñ i3 M 3C%ôH MMÄFig.3 Change of new root number of 3years old sweet cherry in solar greenhouse´¤ÿi¥ 1015 °ª,¹ *XTÉ,ôH üA4Ú,NVñ Ù HW ,l,¿ë H û ô、u=ô“î¥ î¹ Íè、 7½¥Èɵ¹×1¥il。 3Á LlÏÿ× l g、9ò £,vñ 9 YV9F Ëô¥ 4Ú 8!û! £ Ü,4Ú 8ÿ ?¥。 IÓD:1 ¿S.1¿T ! ¡¥+Ä ± I.õ ûT , 1997, (3):8 92 ¦Á. öê 8T ¹¹ ¡?ZCiÙ5#¦. =T , 1998, (1):32 35Studies on Growth and Development Rhythm of Sweet Cherry in Solar Green-houseL Deguo, Liu Guocheng, and Du Guodong(Horticultural College , Shenyang Agricultural University , Shenyang 110161, China)Abstract:It was about 30 days for sweet cherry to bloom after heating by opening the mulching straw matresswith which the blooming period lasting 10 days to 2 weeks.The physiological drop occured 17 days to 21 days afterblooming , and the periods between physiological drop to fruit colouring were different during different years whichlasted 29 days to 43 days.And there were little differences in the periods between fruit colouring to ripening whichwere all about 10 days .Dynamic growth patterns of flushes of sweet cherries in green house were typical“double-S” , and the second fast growth period was compensatory growth which wasmore vigorous than the first one with al-most all the axillary buds germinating in longer internode .The number of new roots decreased rapidly with openingthe mulching film because of leaf premature senescence , and increased with shoot compensatory growth in a slightdegree.Keywords:Solar greenhouse;Sweet cherry;Growth and development;Rhythm4795 ù g£S©: °Ñ iC% 3É?â« pùî