草莓采摘机器人的研究 基于图像的草莓重心位置和采摘点的确定
:K :.m:K 张铁中 陈利兵 宋健(S j<v,100083)l :2004-09-06 “:SE/ ?Z9' “(2001AA422300)Te:fM, q,p V 3 =,1V Y 3 31 j< ,E-mail:zhangtzcau.edu.cnK 1 成熟草莓果实重心和采摘点的确定是草莓采摘机器人采摘收获作业中的关键问题。采用LRCD(lumi-nance andredcolor difference)方法分割草莓图像。在RGB色彩模型中,求得图像中每个像素的色差,在灰度图像中显示以色差值为灰度值的色差图像,取合适的阈值对该图像二值化,得到分割后的草莓图像;提取分割后草莓图像的几何特征,从而确定草莓的重心位置和采摘点。采用本文所述的机器人视觉系统(CCD成像像素753582,像素中心距10m10m)的试验结果表明,其采摘点位置误差<3mm。利用LRCD方法能够很好的将成熟草莓与背景分离,通过提取分割后草莓图像的几何信息,可确定草莓重心和采摘点的位置。该处理方法适用于从复杂背景中提取红色目标。1oM 草莓收获;机器人;LRCD变换;色差ms | TP274 cI| 1007-4333(2005)01-0048-04 DS M AStudy onstrawberry harvestingrobot:.Imagesbased identificationsofstrawberrybarycenterandplucking positionZhangTiezhong, ChenLibing, SongJian(Collegeof Engineering, ChinaAgricultural University,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract During the strawberry collection process by robot, the crucial element to ensure the picking precision is thedeterminations of the ripe strawberry barycenters andthe plucking positions.The LRCD(luminance andredcolor differ-ence)method was adopted to dissect the image of strawberry.The Chromatism of each pixel in the RGB color imagewas calculatedand the result showed in a gray image.The segmentedimage wasgainedby translatingthe gray imageto a binary image after selectingan appropriate threshold.The barycenter of strawberry and the plucking position wereascertained by extracting geometry feature of the segmented strawberryimage.The result reveals that the eccentricityof the plucking position is not more than3 mmin the robot vision system(CCD pixel 753582,distance between pixels10m10m)in this paper.Ripe strawberry can be separated easily from the complex background by the LRCDmethod.The method is valid for pick-upof red object froma complex background.Keywords strawberry-collection;robot;LRCD;chromatism:s)、sS =X 1-9 ,:K M 。 K:1o T LK ,1 %5,A T LVs ,'ms。2001 M ' vB L i IT O :K ,m) H,5|RGB Lab , Lab aYms;YVZE|:T LTl sYVms , S j<v 2005,10(1):48-51Journalof China Agricultural University) ZE1 , O |2。2003 MfM、? BP * :ms9,ZE VYVM =| LC:T= s ,ZE s =|#K“'Y v,) ZE。3LRCD(luminance and red color difference)ZE10s:m,4 |s:m+ +,V7 :K。1 “dF#T “d 1 1 m(US)、 、 e“d j $“d(m1)。 j $“d1 9 、2 CCD 2fm“ 5F。m1 :K “dFFig.1 Schematic diagram of strawberryharvesting robot:K “dT /: 1 | l u =:m,ms4 | l u = :,9 : ,iUS: 。 mM1:) H, 2 |:m,ms4 |:K, z m l:, M2:)。 T l u = :K8。KvK: , M:TZEK:。2 msm2(a) U 3 :,#=、 T Lm。Bm M, Y =0.3R+0.59G+0.11B:Y,R,GBRGB bW 3s 。 lm s7d s,LRCDZE sm。m B c=R-Y =0.7R-0.59G-0.11BmA U m,| am=,'s:m(m2(b)。(a) Sm(b)sm2 : Sm#LRCDEsmFig.2 Contrast ofimagebefore and after segmentation3 4 |4 | : m M= . uS: MY。 n5 | a(' |55)sm(m3)=, ro ., uS:。 uS:'M MS:, sS:。 “ P9 ?YV “SM MYm “S。 uS:­ ?| ss ,i9 ss+。S: H,m8S:|V100 7 S,v9F。m3 :H4 |Fig.3 Extraction of strawberry barycenter andboaderlineV uS: s, V= F4V U 。 8SE :mf(x,y) iB(x,y), S:| (x,y)=m ,5f(x,y)1,50。“V Uil , f(x,y)“V S:|m u。S:|m u, VV UA= (x,y)=m1 ,US491 fM:K :.m:K x=1A (x,y)=mxy=1A (x,y)=my <50 s, ., h“。 4 |, | zH,|H # S: 。) mnm3。4 K : K。K:T , l5mm。K+nm4(a),mC X M,D L= M,PTU,G:,E:mH , OE,D,P,G L,DCE 10mm。CD l,yN V D9C,' DK。8 ,1 K,1o TU。v :, l , _l) M,TU :H K。 !:mH US(xi ,yi),5 (xi- x)2+(yi- y)2,yN, P Kv TUP。TU ,PGL 1, P TU M,'K。m4(b) UTU#K+4 |T。(a)+(b)4 |Tm4 :K+# 4 |TFig.4 Featureof the plucking positionandextracting result5 s#) :K HYy ,1CCD' L ( /,#m) E/。 LV,B;vHq/'“d HK 32 ,9 V |mKl1 ,yNCCD“d1 ,#“d Kv 3 。 2 :US 1:US ,yN j $“d 2 %7 11。 ! 2bv q, + ; =DDT:D L=8j,D CCD mj。' j $“d,CCD753582, 10m10m,0.03,5“d Kv =3=30.010.03=1mm j。 M 1 9 3, LV , 2, <3mm。4 sO q, s;vHq V4“d。 ID1 , gD 3,B,.:c 7?J . 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